Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Finding Operational Definitions
in the Research Literature

The text focused on the process of measuring a variable be defining the detailed procedures by which it would be measured. You need to be able to conceptualize the process of measuring variables. However, in most psychological research, you will conceptualize the question and measure the variables using operational definitions that have already been developed and used in previous studies. In fact, when good measures already exist, it would be foolish to not use them. 

For each of the following variables, search the research literature and identify various ways in which they have been operationalized in the past. In most cases, these concepts have been operationalized in half a dozen or more ways, so try to find as many operational definitions for the concepts as possible. If you are uncertain about how to search the research literature, you may want to check out the Library Research tutorial on this website. You can access this tutorial at any time by selecting tutorials from the menu at the top of the screen. 

You may find with some of these variables that there is considerable controversy about what they are and how they should be measured. With others you will find that there are many subtypes of the variables that have been discovered as part of the efforts to develop effective measures.

  1. frustration

  2. anger

  3. prejudice

  4. anxiety

  5. distraction

  6. spatial skills

  7. social skills

  8. emotional sensitivity

  9. depressive affect

  10. drive for success

  11. fear of failure

  12. love

  13. quality of parenting

  14. verbal skills

  15. talkativeness

  16. masculinity

  17. femininity

  18. memory ability

  19. hunger

  20. fear