Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Chapter 2 Essay Questions
Research is a Process of Inquiry

  1. Distinguish between observations and inferences. How are each used in the process of science?

  2. What is the distinction between inductive and deductive thinking? How is inductive and deductive reasoning related to the empirical and rational aspects of science?

  3. Describe the phases of a research project. What specific tasks are faced by the researcher at each phase?

  4. What is meant by level of constraint? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using high constraint research procedures?

  5. What is the primary value of low-constraint research, and how can it be used in science?

  6. What are the roles of models and theories in science?

  7. What are the different types of theories in science?

  8. Comment on this statement: “Scientists are not the only people who can do research.”

  9. What kinds of information do scientific models provide?

  10. Explain this statement: “Models are used analogically.”

  11. In what ways are inductive and deductive reasoning commonly used in everyday life? List examples of how you use them.

  12. Explain this statement: “Making empirical observations is the focal point around which the inductive-deductive process revolves."

  13. Explain this statement: “In the problem-definition phase, we are engaged in deductive reasoning; in the interpretation phase, we are engaged in inductive reasoning.”

  14. A professor asserts that only high-constraint, highly controlled experimental research is worth doing. You bravely raise your hand and are recognized. Now, how do you respond to that assertion?

  15. Think of some examples of the inappropriate mixing of constraint levels in a research project.

  16. A radio talk-show host announced,  “Let’s face it folks, evolution is only a theory. It’s not a fact!” How would you comment on that?

  17. What are the basic assumptions of science?

  18. What are facts? What is the major category of facts in psychology?

  19. Explain this statement: “Well-accepted ideas, such as gravity, anxiety, and superego, do not refer to facts at all.”

  20. What are the two ways in which constructs are related to facts.

  21. Identify and describe the phases of a research project.

  22. What is meant by data in research? How are data obtained?

  23. Distinguish between inductive theories, deductive theories, and functional theories.