Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Chapter 4 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
Data and the Nature of Measurement

Now that you have familiarity with the new key terms of this chapter, it is time to begin using the terms in the context of the chapter material. See if you can fill-in-the-blanks in the following discussions. To get the correct answer, click on the blank.

  1. Measurement is critically important in research. Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to __________ that represent the value of the variable. Measurement can be thought of as the process of bringing together two systems: the characteristics of the variable, and the characteristics of the abstract number system. The abstract number system has four properties: identity, magnitude, equal intervals, and a true zero. __________ refers to the idea that the numbers have an inherent order. A __________ -_________ refers to the idea that the score zero means there is none of the variable being measured. __________ refers to the idea that each number has a particular meaning. Finally, __________- __________ refers to the idea that the difference between any two adjacent numbers is the same as the difference between any other two adjacent numbers.

  2. With a(n) __________ scale of measurement, we have the properties of identity and magnitude. With a(n) __________ scale of measurement, we have the properties of identity, magnitude, and equal intervals. With a(n) __________ scale of measurement, we have the properties of identity, magnitude, equal intervals, and a true zero point. Finally, with a(n) __________ scale of measurement, we have only the property of identity.

  3. Class ranks, the order of finish in a race, and a teacher's rankings of students on leadership ability are examples of a(n) __________ scale of measurement. The age of participants and the number of trials required to learn a list of words are examples of a(n) __________ scale of measurement. Temperature (measured on a Celsius scale) and IQ scores are examples of a(n) __________ scale of measurement. Finally, telephone numbers, political party affiliations, and the sex of the participant are examples of a(n) __________ scale of measurement.

  4. Using a nominal scale of measurement will produce __________ data. Using an ordinal scale of measurement will produce __________ data. Using either an interval or ratio scale of measurement will produce __________ data.

  5. The accurate measurement of variables is central to good research. __________-__________ is the general term that refers to the distortions in the measurement process that threaten the validity of the data. One major source of measurement error in self-report measures is __________-__________- __________. __________-__________ is a particular response-set bias that refers to the tendency for participants to present themselves in a socially acceptable manner.

  6. We define our measurement procedures in research by carefully constructing a(n) __________- __________ of the variable. The operational definition specifies exactly how we are to measure and/or manipulate the variable.

  7. There are a number of characteristics by which we evaluate the quality of the measures of psychological variables. One such characteristic is the __________ of the measure, which refers to how reproducible the measure is. There are several types of reliability. __________-__________ reliability refers to how strongly different items or observations that make up the measure correlate with one another. __________ reliability refers to the amount of agreement between two independent raters. __________-__________ reliability is an index of the stability of a measure.

  8. There are other factors besides reliability to consider when evaluating a measure of a psychological variable. One such factor is the __________- __________ of the measure. This refers to the level at which the measure will give accurate and sensitive scores that can discriminate between people. Another factor is the __________, or accuracy, of the measure. It is important to remember that a measure cannot be valid without being __________ ; but it is possible to have a measure with adequate reliability that is not __________.

  9. Misconduct in _________ does occur, but is _________.  Instances of _________ in science, such as the deliberate _________ of _________ are serious attacks on the entire _________ enterprise. They are _________ in science and constitute the most egregious _________ _________ that a scientist can commit.