Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Name Index

Click on any name below to learn more about the scientist.

Adler, Alfred Ebbinghaus, H. von Kepler, Johannes Skinner, B. F.
Allport, Gordon Erikson, Erik Koffka, Kurt Small, Willard
Anastasi, Anne Euclid Kohler, Wolfgang Socrates
Angell, James R. Fechner, Gustav Theodore Ladd-Franklin, Christine Spinoza, Baruch
Anaximander Freud, Sigmund Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Strato
Archimedes Fromm, Eric Langley, Samuel Pierpont Stumpf, Carl
Aristotle Galen, Clausius Lewin, Kurt Thales
Bacon, Roger Galilei, Galileo Lillienthal, Otto Thorndike, Edward Lee
Blanchard, Jean Pierre Francois Galton, Francis Loeb, Jacques Tichener, Edward Bradford
Brahe, Tycho Gilbreth, Lillian Moller Maslow, Abraham Tolman, Edward C.
Brentano, Franz Goodenough, Florence Morgan, C. Lloyd Turner, Charles H.
Calkins, Mary Whiton Guthrie, Edwin R. Muller, Georg Elias Wallace, Alfred Russell
Cattell, James McKeen Hall, G. Stanley Murray, Henry Washburn, Margaret Floy
Cattell, Psyche Helmholtz, Hermann Newton, Isaac Watson, John B
Cayley, George Hippocrates Otto, A. N. Weber, Ernst Heinrich
Chanute, Octave Hollingworth, Leta Stetter Pasteur, Louis Wertheimer, Max
Copernicus, Nicolas Horney, Karen Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Witmer, E. Lightner
Darwin, Charles Hull, Clark L. Plato Wooley, Helen Thompson
Darwin, Erasmus James, Maude Merill Ptolemy, Claudius Wright, Orville
DaVinci, Leonardo James, William Pythagoras Wright, Wilbur
Descartes, Rene Jones, Mary Cover Rogers, Carl Wundt, Wilhelm
Dewey, John Jung, Carl Gustav Romanes, George John Yerkes, Robert


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