Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Chapter 1 Exercises
Curiosity, Creativity, and Commitment

The following exercises are designed to give you hands-on practice of the skills learned in this chapter.

  1. Pick any topic and imagine that it became a focus of study for a scientist or an artist. How might these professionals approach the focus of their respective studies? What areas of overlap would there be in the approaches of these two different disciplines?

  2. Identify three different topics that one might choose to study. For each topic, describe how one would approach the topic from each of the common methods of acquiring knowledge and what type of evidence each method would require.

  3. All of us tend to use several different methods of acquiring knowledge in our everyday life. The precision of science may be needed only in a few areas. Think about your life and the decisions that you make on a daily basis, and identify the method that you are likely to use for acquiring knowledge in each of those situations. What advantages, if any, would there be to using a higher level approach for acquiring information on which to base your decisions.