Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

APA Style Guidelines

The fifth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2001) provides detailed instructions on the preparation of a research article. 

In this on-line manual, we provide both a brief tutorial on APA style and a more extensive reference section. These resources are not intended as replacements for the APA Publication Manual, but will serve the needs of most students in this regard.

APA Publication Style Tutorial

  • Organizing the Research Report

    Describes how to organize the presentation of a research study before the writing process begins.

  • The Sections of a Research Report

    Describes the basics of each section of the research report, including what should be included, how it should be presented, and how the manuscript should be prepared.
  • Writing Style

    Briefly describes ways to improve the quality of your writing, therefore enhancing the communication of your ideas to the reader.

APA Publication Style Reference Manual