Some sources of information are not published in the sense that they are made widely available, but they are written as technical reports, which may be available through agencies or from the author.
These sources were once obscure, but the Internet has changed that. Organizations routinely include technical reports available to the public on their websites.
A technical report is referenced by listing (1) the author(s) or the agency if there are no specified authors, (2) the date of publication, (3) the title of the technical report, which should be italicized, (4) the report number, if there is one, and (5) the location and name of the agency publishing the report. If the report is available online, the URL for the report should be included in parentheses at the end of the listing.
Allan Nairn and associates. (1980). The reign of ETS: The corporation that makes up minds. The Ralph Nader Foundation.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1982). Biomedical processes and consequences of alcohol use (DDHS Publication No. ADM-82-1191). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Golden, R. R., & Meehl, P. E. (1973). Detecting latent clinical taxa, IV: Empirical study of the maximum covariance method and the normal minimum chi-square method, using three MMPI keys to identify the sexes (Report No. PR-73-2). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Psychiatry.