Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Reference List
(Dissertations and Master's Theses)

Dissertations are a required part of virtually all Ph.D. programs. The dissertation is usually stored at the library of the university at which the research was conducted, but the abstract for the dissertation is published in Dissertation Abstracts International and a copy of the dissertation can be ordered through University Microfilms. Unpublished master's theses are referenced in the same way that unpublished dissertations are referenced.

Details of Format

A dissertation is referenced by listing (1) the author, (2) the year of publication in parentheses, (3) the title of the dissertation, and (4) the source. If the dissertation is obtained from the degree granting university, the source is listed as "Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University at which dissertation was granted" as shown below. If only the abstract is referenced, the source is Dissertation Abstracts International, and one should list the volume number of Dissertation Abstracts International and the abstract number. If a copy of the dissertation has been obtained through University Microfilms, the University Microfilms number should appear in parentheses at the end of the reference. 

Note below that the punctuation and italicizing differ slightly in these different types of reference.


Zywiak, W. H. (1996). Testing the Self-description Inventory's ability to identify individuals with dissociative identity disorder. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo.

Zywiak, W. H. (1996). Testing the Self-description Inventory's ability to identify individuals with dissociative identity disorder (Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1996). Dissertation Abstracts International, 57(6), Section B, 4087.

Zywiak, W. H. (1996). Testing the Self-description Inventory's ability to identify individuals with dissociative identity disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57(6), Section B, 4087. University Microfilms No. 96-344.