Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Reference List
(Other Miscellaneous Sources)

New sources of information are becoming available all the time. These might include computer programs, data files available on CD, or even computer programming languages.

Details of Format

The APA Publication Manual is constantly being updated to reflect the ever changing sources of information. Listed below are a few examples of evolving sources and the way to reference them. 

Given the growth in such materials, it is possible that the most recent publication manual may not cover everything. However, it is possible to adequately reference anything by remembering that the purpose of the reference list is to provide sufficient information to allow the reader to identify unambiguously the material being referenced and how to obtain the material.


Raulin, M. L., & Graziano, A. M. (2004). Student Resource CD to accompany research methods: A process of inquiry [CD-ROM]. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (Included free with the textbook)

Hall, M., & Robinson, D. (1998). The human brain [CD-ROM]. New York: Springer-Verlag Electronic Media.

Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.5. (1992). Borland International.