Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Resources for Chapter 9

09:01 Computational Procedures for Kappa

This unit shows how to compute Kappa.

09:02 Why Small Samples May Not be Representative

This unit discusses why small samples are often unable to represent populations, especially populations that are heterogeneous. 

09:03 Using the Random Number Program

This unit describes the random number generator program provided free on this website. This program can generate random numbers for several purposes, including sampling participants for a study and assigning those participants to groups.

09:04 Sampling of Participants

This unit includes instructions on how to achieve random and stratified random samples, complete with exercises to practice these skills.

09:05 Assignment of Participants to Conditions

This unit includes instructions on how to used random and matched random assignment of subjects to groups, complete with exercises to practice these skills.

09:06 Study Guide/Lab Manual

09:07 Related Internet Sites


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